
Add staticpreprocessor to your INSTALLED_APPS.

Create a directory to hold your pre-compiled static assets, set the STATIC_PREPROCESSOR_ROOT setting, add add it to STATICFILES_DIRS:

STATIC_PREPROCESSOR_ROOT = '/path/to/processedstatic/'



Finders are exactly the same in concept as staticfiles finders. staticpreprocessor comes with several.

class staticpreprocessor.finders.FileSystemFinder

Analagous to the similarly-named staticfiles finder, the FileSystemFinder collects all files from the directories named in the STATIC_PREPROCESSOR_DIRS setting.

class staticpreprocessor.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder

Again, this is analagous to the AppDirectoriesFinder in staticfiles, with the exception that rather than collecting files from the /static/ directory under each app, files are collected from /rawstatic/.

In order to use the finders they should be added to the STATIC_PREPROCESSOR_FINDERS setting, e.g.:

    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'rawstatic/'),


Processors are the classes that do the actual work of pre-processing your static files.

Processors can be specified in the STATIC_PREPROCESSORS_PROCESSORS setting as either dotted-paths, or otherwise, if a tuple or list is given it will be taken as the dotted path to the processor and a dictionary of keyword arguments, e.g.:

from staticpreprocessor.contrib.processors.less import LessProcessor
from staticpreprocessor.contrib.processors.sass import SassProcessor
from staticpreprocessor.processors import CommandListProcessor

     dict(extensions=['.txt'], command='echo {input} > {output}')),
        extensions=['.txt'], command='echo {input} > {output}'),

There are several base processor classes in staticpreprocessor.processors that can be extended and used:

class staticpreprocessor.processors.BaseProcessor[source]

This is the base processor implementation that defines the most basic functionality of a processor, namely, the following methods:

get_file_list(self, **kwargs)[source]

Returns the list of files to be operated on by the processor.

handle(self, **kwargs)[source]

this is the main method that processes the static files.

And the following attributes:


The storage class to use. Defaults to the default staticpreprocessor storage.


The file extensions to target, e.g. .txt, .css as a list or tuple. Setting to None will cause the processor to operate on all file extensions


A glob-type expression. Any files matching this pattern will be excluded from processing by this processor.


An un-compiled regex string. Any files matching this pattern will be excluded from processing by this processor.


A glob-type expression. Any files NOT matching this pattern will be excluded from processing by this processor.


An un-compiled regex string. Any files NOT matching this pattern will be excluded from processing by this processor.

class staticpreprocessor.processors.BaseListProcessor[source]

BaseListProcessor extends BaseProcessor and allows the entire collected file list to be processed using the handle_list method.


handle_list(self, file_list, ** kwargs)[source]

file_list is the list of all files found to be handled in bulk.



If this is True (the default), the processor will remove the processed files after processing.

class staticpreprocessor.processors.BaseFileProcessor[source]

BaseFileProcessor extends BaseListProcessor, with the handle_file method being called once for every file in the collected file list.


handle_file(self, file, **kwargs)[source]

Is repeatedly called, with file being a single file from the collected file list.



If this is True (the default), the processor will remove the processed files after processing.

class staticpreprocessor.processors.CommandProcessorMixin[source]

The CommandProcessorMixin provides command running functionality via the envoy package.


get_command(self, **kwargs)[source]

Returns the command to be run. By default this is the command attribute formatted with **kwargs. **kwargs contains any keyword arguments passed to the class, along with input which is generally the space-separated list of files to be operated on, and output which is the output attribute passed through the class’ storage path method.

run_command(self, input, **kwargs)[source]

Runs the command returned by get_command().

input should generally be a space separated list of files to be processed. If require_input is True, the default, and input is empty the command will not be run.

If the return value of the command run is not in the list expected_return_codes then this method will raise RuntimeError.



The command line string to be run. By default this will be formatted by the get_command() method so string formatting sequences can be used, e.g.: cat {input} > {output}.


A path to an output file. This will be passed through storage.path so it may be relative to STATIC_PREPROCESSOR_ROOT.


A list of return codes that are acceptable for the run process to return. Defaults to [0].


Whether or not we should require input in order to run the command. Defaults to True.

class staticpreprocessor.processors.CommandListProcessor[source]

Extends BaseListProcessor and CommandProcessorMixin. The specified command is run with input being the space-separated list of filenames generated by get_file_list().

class staticpreprocessor.processors.CommandFileProcessor[source]

Extends BaseListProcessor and CommandProcessorMixin. The specified command is run on each filename generated by get_file_list() in turn, with input being the filename.

All attributes on processor classes are overridden by any keyword arguments passed to __init__.

Contrib Processors

There are several processors included in the staticpreprocessor.contrib.processors module.

class handlebars.HandlebarsProcessor

Processes all .handlebars files into handlebars_templates.js.

class sass.SassProcessor

Processes all .sass and .scss files into sass_styles.css.

class less.LessProcessor

Processes all .less files into less_styles.css.

preprocess_static Management Command

Once you’ve added your finders and processors to your settings file, you can run the preprocess_static management command.

This will find all of your raw static files, collect them into STATIC_PREPROCESSOR_ROOT and run your processors on them.

By default, preprocess_static will empty the target directory before processing, to prevent this from happending pass the --no-clear argument to the command.



The directory to collect the pre-processed static files in. This must be defined.


Default: ''

The path to the storage class used to store pre-processed files. You shouldn’t need to change this unless you want to use some form of cloud storage etc.


Default: []

The list of finders to use to collect files to be pre-processed. these are run in order, with files collected by one finder being overwritten by files with the same name found by other finders. Should contain dotted-paths to finders.



Default: []

The list of processors to run against the collected files. These may be specified as dotted-paths or classes/class instances.


from staticpreprocessor.contrib.processors.less import LessProcessor
from staticpreprocessor.contrib.processors.sass import SassProcessor
from staticpreprocessor.processors import CommandListProcessor

        extensions=['.txt'], command='echo {input} > {output}'),

Default: []

The list of directories that the FileSystemFinder will look for files in.