
Add staticpreprocessor to your INSTALLED_APPS.

Create a directory to hold your pre-compiled static assets, set the STATIC_PREPROCESSOR_ROOT setting, add add it to STATICFILES_DIRS:

STATIC_PREPROCESSOR_ROOT = '/path/to/processedstatic/'


Finders are exactly the same in concept as staticfiles finders. staticpreprocessor comes with several.

class staticpreprocessor.finders.FileSystemFinder

Analagous to the similarly-named staticfiles finder, the FileSystemFinder collects all files from the directories named in the STATIC_PREPROCESSOR_DIRS setting.

class staticpreprocessor.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder

Again, this is analagous to the AppDirectoriesFinder in staticfiles, with the exception that rather than collecting files from the /static/ directory under each app, files are collected from /rawstatic/.

In order to use the finders they should be added to the STATIC_PREPROCESSOR_FINDERS setting, e.g.:

    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'rawstatic/')


Processors are the classes that do the actual work of pre-processing your static files.

Processors can be specified in the STATIC_PREPROCESSORS_PROCESSORS setting as either dotted-paths, or otherwise, e.g.:

from staticpreprocessor.contrib.processors.less import LessProcessor
from staticpreprocessor.contrib.processors.sass import SassProcessor
from staticpreprocessor.processors import CommandListProcessor

        extensions=['.txt'], command='echo {input} > {output}'),

There are several base processor classes in staticpreprocessor.processors that can be extended and used:

class staticpreprocessor.processors.BaseProcessor

This is the base processor implementation that defines the most basic functionality of a processor, namely, the following methods:

get_file_list(self, **kwargs)

Returns the list of files to be operated on by the processor.

handle(self, **kwargs)

this is the main method that processes the static files.

And the following attributes:


The storage class to use. Defaults to the default staticpreprocessor storage.


The file extensions to target, e.g. .txt, .css as a list or tuple. Setting to None will cause the processor to operate on all file extensions


A glob-type expression. Any files matching this pattern will be excluded from processing by this processor.


An un-compiled regex string. Any files matching this pattern will be excluded from processing by this processor.


A glob-type expression. Any files NOT matching this pattern will be excluded from processing by this processor.


An un-compiled regex string. Any files NOT matching this pattern will be excluded from processing by this processor.

class staticpreprocessor.processors.BaseListProcessor

BaseListProcessor extends BaseProcessor and allows the entire collected file list to be processed using the handle_list method.


handle_list(self, file_list, ** kwargs)

file_list is the list of all files found to be handled in bulk.



If this is True (the default), the processor will remove the processed files after processing.

class staticpreprocessor.processors.BaseFileProcessor

BaseFileProcessor extends BaseListProcessor, with the handle_file method being called once for every file in the collected file list.


handle_file(self, file, **kwargs)

Is repeatedly called, with file being a single file from the collected file list.



If this is True (the default), the processor will remove the processed files after processing.

class staticpreprocessor.processors.CommandProcessorMixin

The CommandProcessorMixin provides command running functionality via the envoy package.


get_command(self, **kwargs)

Returns the command to be run. By default this is the command attribute formatted with **kwargs. **kwargs contains any keyword arguments passed to the class, along with input which is generally the space-separated list of files to be operated on, and output which is the output attribute passed through the class’ storage path method.

run_command(self, input, **kwargs)

Runs the command returned by get_command().

input should generally be a space separated list of files to be processed. If require_input is True, the default, and input is empty the command will not be run.

If the return value of the command run is not in the list expected_return_codes then this method will raise RuntimeError.



The command line string to be run. By default this will be formatted by the get_command() method so string formatting sequences can be used, e.g.: cat {input} > {output}.


A path to an output file. This will be passed through storage.path so it may be relative to STATIC_PREPROCESSOR_ROOT.


A list of return codes that are acceptable for the run process to return. Defaults to [0].


Whether or not we should require input in order to run the command. Defaults to True.

class staticpreprocessor.processors.CommandListProcessor

Extends BaseListProcessor and CommandProcessorMixin. The specified command is run with input being the space-separated list of filenames generated by get_file_list().

class staticpreprocessor.processors.CommandFileProcessor

Extends BaseListProcessor and CommandProcessorMixin. The specified command is run on each filename generated by get_file_list() in turn, with input being the filename.

All attributes on processor classes are overridden by any keyword arguments passed to __init__.

Contrib Processors

There are several processors included in the staticpreprocessor.contrib.processors module.

class handlebars.HandlebarsProcessor

Processes all .handlebars files into handlebars_templates.js.

class sass.SassProcessor

Processes all .sass and .scss files into sass_styles.css.

class less.LessProcessor

Processes all .less files into less_styles.css.

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